Sunday 18 December 2011

A rough week

Its been a long arduous week. I have worked my arse off the last week sending emails all over the world. So far, no luck, But i am not willing to let things go just yet.

Some steam has been let off recently. I have been living a crazy life, late nights have been the norm but backed up by big training days to blow off steam.
On one occasion i was home at 5.30am whilst riders where on the start line of the clip on challenge. It made me think, what do i want more? To live the life of other 23 year olds, or make a name of myself as a hard working cyclists. I am going with the tougher of option of the two.

 I know its not about luck but about hard work. I have been slightly out of form lately and put on a few- but now it is time to get going and win some racing.

I had a good weekend up in Auckland for Myron Simpsons 21st catching up with a few mates where we enjoyed a few beers. I did not get the weekends festivities get on top of me and got in some good training with  Michael Northey and enjoyed sdome time hanging out with the crew at Kiwivelo bikes for their xmas do. I was introduced to the Waitakeres and enjoyed an early morning Albany bunch after a late night at Myrons the night before.

Today has been a rest day and i have chucked some O-symmetric rings on the quantum to give them a go. Will update the progress with the rings after getting a few kms on them.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Mike winning the Crit... with PBR development riders second (Alex) and third (James)
..We went out with a bang at least!...So here's to the future
So shit got real the last couple of days..

Pure Black racing has folded.

The news came to me by email the day after Michael Northey was the first rider in a PBR jersey to win a national title. Mike didn't have long to take in the emotions of winning his first elite national title.

The feeling of jubilation was torn from me, I was left feeling empty and broken come Saturday morning (like every other PBR team mate).
We shed blood, sweat and tears together. We were more than a cycling team and more than just mates. We relied on each other in times of need and pushed each other to new heights, on and off the bike.
What we went through together will stay with us forever and we will share memories and relationships that will last a life time.
In my time with Pure Black there were so many supporters but also those that tried to bring us down. In this post i want to ensure that the positive support out weighed the negative a thousand times over and that the negative few will never beat any of us in whatever we pursue. We are all stronger than that and the journey for each of us has only just began.
As i write this i listen to the music on my computer, all of which was got from James Williamson and Scott Lyttle, it's like they are here and we are still a part of the dream together.
Although i am not blind, i know the next month will be tough, because of the fact that in life you have to fight for everything if you want to achieve great heights. We are all now placed in the difficult situation where we are scrapping between each other for spots on the few teams that have any spots left.
No grudges shall be held. I understand that this must happen.
Its December and ideally a cyclist would be signed for a team in August/ September. Here i am 3 months later still with nothing but hope.

Time will only tell as to what i will be doing next year. In saying this, it has been a great year. I had a lot of fun with a great bunch of guys.
Without the support of Carl, Greg, our sponsors and perhaps most importantly our supporters this year wouldn't have been possible. I also know that i will be banking on support from everyone in the immediate future, so therefore everybody's help is, and has been greatly appreciated.

I could write so much as there is so much going on in my head right now, but ill end it with one thing i have learnt this week and that is the fact that in times like this you realise who your true friends are. I am lucky to be surrounded by many of them. I know this by getting an amazing amount of help in my pursuit to organise a ride for next year. Thanks so much for everyone's help.

Enjoy a nice glass of red as you never know what might happen tomorrow.

The start of the snow at Tour Of Southland!!! Shit got epic. Lucky it was last day and the motivstion to finish 5th Overall and get Guddy into 1st was high.
Cool Blog below, Pro bikes good read really interesting!!! Get a bike.